伊利里亚天主教高中 is delighted to announce and recognize its 2023 Alumni Award Winners, who have remained steadfast examples of the Elyria Catholic pillars of Excellence, Compassion, Faith, Tradition, and Community. The Elyria Catholic community will recognize the recipients at an Alumni Awards Ceremony on Monday, May 22, in the presence of the Class of 2023 during Senior Celebration Week.
Rehgan Avon '11
Rehgan Avon是联合创始人 & CEO of AlignAI, 一个知识管理平台,帮助公司可持续地转变他们的组织,有效地建立和使用人工智能. 具有集成系统工程背景,专注于构建支持分析和机器学习的技术, Rehgan致力于构建解决方案和产品,以在大型企业中大规模地操作机器学习模型. Rehgan对早期创业公司和产品开发的热情推动了他之前的经历.
里根建立了一个广泛的分析社区 & 数据专家通过Women in Analytics, 她于2016年创立了一个全球性组织,旨在为在这一领域产生影响的不同个人提供更多的知名度. She hosts a global annual conference that has put over 250 women on the stage. The community has over 5000 members from around the world that participate in tutorials, learning groups, discussion boards, and mentorship programs. She was also inducted into the inaugural class of Columbus CEO’s Future 50.
Dr. 弗朗西斯·格雷戈里·诺维斯克,1966年
Dr. 诺维斯克的家人来自格拉夫顿-伊利亚地区. 他的两个兄弟姐妹也毕业于伊利里亚天主教学校, 62岁的特伦斯·诺维斯基和68岁的迈克尔琳·诺维斯基. Dr. 诺维斯克在EC的经历对他的成长和成长都是一种乐趣. 他学习很努力,但一路上过得很愉快. 他深情地回忆着参加舞会和体育赛事的情景, singing in the choir, 参加科学展览, 担任班级高级司库, 写年鉴和校报, and playing on EC's chess team which finished third in the high school state team championship. Dr. Noveske especially remembers making many friends many of whom he has known throughout the years. He and his future wife, Janet Wood, were in the same class and both were voted ‘most likely to succeed.他们从高中时代开始约会. 本科毕业后,他们于1970年结婚,现在有三个成年子女和六个正在成长的孙子孙女. "They are the greatest success and the greatest joy of our lives.“Janet和EC也有很深的渊源,她有四个姐妹, two of whom are Notre Dame sisters whose order originally taught at the school. Another sister now deceased was a Dominican sister with the fourth sister marrying.
他们在格拉夫顿的家在4月11日被毁, 1965 in the “Palm Sunday Tornado Outbreak” when I was a junior. My family was fortunate to survive but were financially affected. I worked in a variety of jobs; drug store, factory loading dock, factory machine work, automobile line work, brakeman on a railroad, and in various janitorial services at EC to help with tuition.
在我年轻的时候,即使对年轻人来说,工作也很容易找到,而且通常报酬相当高,尽管我记得有一年夏天在EC工作时每小时挣50美分. “你走过的大厅,我曾经扫过. 请记得帮助他们保持清洁,因为今天有人在清洁他们,希望每小时超过50美分."
From 1966 to1970 Dr. 诺维斯克在约翰卡罗尔大学获得奖学金,获得化学学位,然后进入俄亥俄州立大学医学院. While on partial scholarship, Janet supported them working as a teacher. She continued to work as a teacher and as a church musician until her retirement a few years ago. Dr. Noveske于1974年获得医学博士学位,然后接受了五年的住院医师培训,获得了成人和儿童精神病学的委员会认证,直到他最近从医学退休. "Many of my patients are among the finest people I have ever met but, unfortunately, 人们对精神疾病仍然抱有强烈的偏见. They are among current ‘lepers’ in our midst misunderstood and ridiculed by many. Any family can be affected by psychiatric illness just as they can by other illnesses." Dr. Noveske was primarily in private practice in psychiatry but also served in various
咨询职位,如天主教慈善机构, 社区心理系统, and in faculty positions teaching psychiatric residents and medical students in training. 他曾担任圣. John Hospital for many years and directed its inpatient psychiatric unit. Dr. Noveske is a long time member and Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association.
他的天主教背景是他的家人以及其他信仰丰富的人(包括那些隶属于欧共体的人)赋予他的. “我的信仰是我生活的中心. 30多年来,我一直虔诚地向上帝祈祷. 每天祷告加深我们与主的关系,无论生活中遇到什么,都支持并不断更新我们. 我把它推荐给你们每个人. 生活充满了挑战. 祈祷在龙卷风中支持着我, 我的学习有数百场考试, 个人和家庭斗争, 多年来照顾病人, 和我妻子一起养家糊口." In 2007 Dr. Noveske was ordained a Permanent Deacon for the Diocese of Cleveland. He belongs to St. Richard Parish but have served in various diocesan roles alongside parish work.
"it is a privilege to receive this 杰出大发游戏官方奖. 我非常感谢这份荣誉,特别是考虑到我对伊利里亚天主教高中的尊重. Thank you!"
Eric Gaines Jr. '02
Eric Gaines是Morgan Mabry Gaines的丈夫, 佩顿和埃默里的父亲, 埃里克和薇姬的儿子和阿兰娜·盖恩斯的兄弟. 他目前在大学医院骨科中心担任骨科医师助理. 多年来,他培养了为他人服务的热情,无论是通过在工作中照顾病人还是指导多个青少年运动队, 包括雅芳大学棒球队.
他在奥柏林出生长大, Ohio where he learned the importance of community and love for thy neighbor. 谦虚、富有同情心和努力工作是他一直坚持的三个核心标准. His job, team, 这些标准和他与耶稣的关系对他的社区经历产生了积极的影响. 他在伊利里亚天主教堂的时光令人难忘. From the relationships built to the lessons learned; it helped shape him into the man he is today.
他曾在东密歇根大学和马里兰大学东岸分校(University of Maryland Eastern Shore)打棒球,然后获得医学助理研究学士学位, 以及内布拉斯加州大学的硕士学位. 他已经做了15年的执业医师助理,他很自豪地说,他的人生使命是为那些有需要的人服务.
到目前为止,他最大的成就是他的家庭. His girls, Morgan, Peyton, and Emory give him renewed purpose every day to not only live by the standards of being humble, compassionate, 努力工作,但要真正成为标准. 他最喜欢做一个丈夫和父亲. 他非常感激上帝给他的每一个机会,不仅在生活中成功,而且帮助别人在他们的生活中取得同样的成功.
巴黎圣母院修女很感激分享了伊利里亚天主教75年历史中的50多年. 当第一批九年级学生开始上课时
St. Mary School campus, two sisters were among the teachers: Sister Mary Dolora Horning and Sister Mary Ralph Fahey, 谁也是学校的第一任校长. 9月17日,当海湾路的新校舍开放时,有8位姐妹在教职员工中, 1947到254名9到12年级的学生.
从开始到2003年, 118 Sisters of Notre Dame have had the privilege of serving at Elyria Catholic as teachers, tutors, administrators, and campus ministers. 其中包括玛丽·圣·迈克尔修女(玛格丽特·麦戈文饰), Agnes Ann, Aimee, Carl, Linette, Justille, and Giovanne. In more recent years, 玛丽·弗朗西斯·默里姐妹, Jacquelyn Gusdane, 乔安妮·凯普勒担任教师和行政人员. 巴黎圣母院修女会迎来了8名伊利里亚天主教学院的毕业生,她们是52岁的夏洛特·曼佐修女会, Kathleen Knechtges ’56, Anne Marie Robinson ’56, Lucia Haas ’58, Seton (Mary Rita) Schlather, 62届, Elizabeth Wood ’62, Jeanette Brown ’65, and Renee Pastor ’65.
Joanne Romero Loos '02
从伊利里亚天主教大学毕业后,乔安妮获得了E.W. 俄亥俄大学斯克里普斯大发游戏官方学院. From there, 她当了许多年的记者, 从俄亥俄州搬到加州,最后搬到夏威夷, where she now lives. As a journalist, Joanne covered what she playfully refers to as "fluffy pieces," covering a range of topics from home renovations to coverage of high-profile business leaders. 在担任《大发游戏》(Honolulu Star-Advertiser)周日专栏的负责人之前,她曾担任编辑和网络编辑等各种职务.
在此期间,乔安妮回到了学术界. 她在檀香山的夏威夷大学Mānoa (UHM)获得了信息科学博士学位, where she also earned her Master's in Arts (MA) in communication, focusing her research on the intersection of information technology and health. After graduating, 乔安妮成为了她现在的角色,成为了密歇根大学南希·阿斯珀拉-沃尔什护理学院的一名科学作家. Joanne's work allows her to combine her experience as a journalist with her skills as a researcher. 她带头与跨专业的学者团队进行合作研究,以完成研究成果, submitted, 并发表在同行评议的期刊上.
"I consider myself a lifelong learner and educator," Joanne says. "With writing, I translate technical material to a variety of audiences. 作为一名教育工作者,我也做同样的事情."
除了写作和研究, Joanne also teaches undergraduate courses in the field of communication. She has taught at UHM, California State University East Bay, and San Jose State University. Her courses range from large-lecture halls with 130+ students to writing-intensive online formats.
"My students give me so much hope for the future," Joanne says. "People tend to think of college-age students and younger people as these entitled individuals, 当然也有一些,但还有更多的人体现了我们社区所需要的特质和价值观. They are caring, kind, inclusive, and motivated to make the world a better place."
Joanne lives in Honolulu with her husband, Scott Loos '02, and their two children.
Julie Poling Bonacci '02
While a student at EC, 朱莉担任学生大使, 全国荣誉学会会员, Challenge Staff member, Peer Minister, 拉拉队队长, 和参议院副主席. 朱莉珍惜她对伊利里亚天主教的回忆, 特别是啦啦队, 并将永远把它们珍藏在心中. 她将永远感激她慈爱的父母, 爱德华和玛丽·马丁·波林,76年, whose countless sacrifices made it possible for herself and her siblings, 凯瑟琳·波林·斯塔克01届, Nicholas Poling '07, 和09年的扎卡里·波林参加这样的罚款, 以基督为中心,教学能力强的高中.
朱莉于2006年获得约翰卡罗尔大学幼儿教育学士学位. 在那里,她担任了两年的住宿助理. 作为一名大三学生,朱莉被授予
Rev. Joseph Owens, S.J. Scholarship. 该奖学金颁发给最能体现奖学金价值的优秀初中教育学生, leadership, and service. 大四时,她获得了J. 约瑟夫·惠兰服务领袖奖, 该奖项旨在表彰一位即将毕业的教育部门大四学生,他的生活反映了耶稣会的使命,并将他或她自己作为一个为他人服务的人和服务的领导者. 2010年,朱莉得到了她
Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction, also from John Carroll University. 在研究生院期间,她获得了Sally H. 韦特海姆教育领导奖, which recognizes an outstanding graduate student who not only demonstrates scholarship, character, and commitment to others with qualities steeped in the Jesuit mission, 但他也在寻求提升, and shows promise for improving the educational experiences of children and youth.
朱莉自2006年以来一直受雇于科特兰当地学区,并担任过各种角色, 包括三年级和幼儿园的课堂教学. 她目前担任阅读干预师, and under such title obtained her Wilson Reading System Dyslexia Therapist certification. 朱莉热衷于阅读科学,并通过系统和明确的指导向学生提供结构化素养,以便所有学生都可以阅读, 从而获得对阅读的热爱. In spring of 2023 she will have obtained her K-12 Reading Endorsement, 与沃尔什大学的阅读科学一致.
Julie and her husband have three small children and are members of St. 俄亥俄州康科德的加布里埃尔·帕里什.